Transparent solution of light yellow color.
1 ml of the medicine contains an active substance:
Ivermectin – 10 mg.
Pharmacological properties
The active substance of the medicine is ivermectin and belongs to composites, which are produced by microorganisms of Streptomyces avermitilis group. The medicine has a pronounced activity against endo- and ectoparasites of animals and poultry.
The mechanism of the medicine action on parasite’s body is in stimulation of allocation of a neurotransmitter the gamma-aminobutyric acid inhibition (GABA). As a result there is a blockade of impulse transfer between the interneurons and the motor excitatory neurons of the parietal abdominal trunk, which leads to its paralysis and death.
Cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, rabbits: prevention and treatment of diseases, caused by gastrointestinal and pulmonary nematodes, subcutaneous, nasopharyngeal, gastric vessels (in the larvae phase), scabies, lice, hairworms.
Poultry: prevention and treatment of nematodes and arachnostomozies.
The medicine applies orally with water in doses:
cattle, sheep, goats – 0,2 ml of the medicine on 10kg of animal’s body weight (0,2 mg of ivermectin on 1kg of body weight) once;
pigs – 0,25 ml of the medicine on 10kg of animal’s body weight (0,25 mg of ivermectin on 1kg of body weight) twice with interval of 24 hours;
poultry – 0,04 ml of the medicine on 1kg of body weight or 1 ml of the medicine on 25kg of body weight (0,4 mg of ivermectin on 1kg of body weight) once. Against poultry’s arachnostomozies the medicine applies in the same dose twice with an interval of 24 hours.
rabbits – 1 ml of the medicine on 25kg of body weight. Determinate dose and divide for 5 parts, put it into half a daily rabbits’ need of water every day.
High individual sensibility to an active substance of the medicine.
Don’t apply the medicine to ill, exhausted, dying animals, pregnant females less than 35 days before lactation, poultry during the period of carriage. Poultry stop using the medicine for 20 days before the egg period begins.
Slaughter of animals for meat is allowed: goats – 14 days, sheep – 10 days, pig – 12 days, poultry – 8 days, rabbits – 12 days, after the last application of the medicine. The meat received before the prescribed date is utilized or fed to unproductive animals. It depends of the veterinarian’s conclusion.
Don’t apply the medicine for 20 days to the poultry before the beginning of carriage period.
Dry, dark, unreached for children place at the temperature from 5 °С to 25 °С.
Expiration date – 2 years from the manufacturing date.
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