СOMPOSITION:1 g of the drug contains the active substance (mg): amprolium hydrochloride – 300
DESCRIPTION: The powder is from white to light yellow color with a specific smell.
PHARMACOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS. АТС vet classification code QP51А, drugs against protozoan infections, (QP51AХ09, amprolium).
Amprolium hydrochloride inhibits the development of coccidia on the stage of schizogony of first and second generation without suppressing the immune system. The mechanism of action of the drug is that the system of metabolic enzymes of coccidia amprolium hydrochloride competes with thiamine (vitamin B1), replacing it in the metabolism of carbohydrates, necessary for the life of coccidia. Carbohydrate deficiency leads to metabolic disorders in the cell and the resulting death of the simplest.
APPLICATION: Treatment and prevention of eimeriosis (coccidiosis) of chicken (broiler chickens, rearing flocks ), turkeys, pheasants, rabbits and sheep caused by:
hens – E. tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, E. praecox, E. maxima, E. brunettі, E. mitis, E. mivati;
turkeys – E. adenoeides, E. gallapavonis, E. meleagrimitis;
pheasants – E. phasiani, E. Duodenalis, E. colchici;
rabbits – E. stiedae, E. perforans, E. magna;
sheep – E. arloingi, E. intricata, E. Ninaekohljakimovae, E. faurei.
DOSAGE. The drug is set to birds and animals with food or water. The mixture is prepared in an amount not exceeding the daily needs of birds or animals. The mixture should be set evenly during the day, individually or by group method in doses:
Hens:Broiler chickens
With drinking water or food
for prevention: from 3-5 days of age during a period of growing in a daily dose of 0.4 grams of the drug (120 mg amprolium hydrochloride) per 1 liter of water or 1 kg of feed;
for treatment: daily dose of 0.8 grams of the drug (240 mg amprolium hydrochloride) per 1 liter of water or 1 kg of feed.
Rearing flocks
With drinking water or food
for prevention: from 3-5 day-old chickens to 16 weeks of age in a daily dose of 0.4 grams of the drug (120 mg amprolium hydrochloride) per 1 liter of water or 1 kg of feed;
for treatment: daily dose of 0.8 grams of the drug (240 mg amprolium hydrochloride) per 1 liter of water or 1 kg of feed.
Turkeys, pheasants
With drinking water or food
for prevention: from 3-5 days of age during a period of growing in a daily dose of 0.4 grams of the drug (120 mg amprolium hydrochloride) per 1 liter of water or 1 kg of feed;
for treatment: daily dose of 0.8 grams of the drug (240 mg amprolium hydrochloride) per 1 liter of water or 1 kg of feed.
With drinking water or food
for prevention: 0.5 g of the drug per 1 liter of water or 1 kg of feed for 21 days;
for treatment: 1 g of the drug per 1 liter of water or 1 kg of feed.
With drinking water or food
for prevention: 1 g of the drug per 30-60 kg of body weight for 21 days;
for treatment: 5 g of the drug per 15-30 kg of body weight.
Treatment of animals and birds is carried out in 2-3 courses (5 days each) at intervals of 4-5 days.
CONTRAINDICATIONS. Do not use for birds and animals with individual hypersensitivity to amprolium hydrochloride, liver and kidneys diseases. Do not use for rearing flocks over 16 weeks of age. Do not use for laying hens. Do not use simultaneously with other antiparasitic drugs and feed antibiotics.Do not use for simultaneously with furan drugs.
PRECAUTIONS. Slaughter of animals for human consumption is permitted in 14 days, poultry in 7 days after the last administration of the drug or 2 days after prophylactic drug. Received before the deadline meat allowed to feed to unproductive animals or dispensed , according to the local legislation base.
STORAGE. Dry, dark place, away from children at the temperature from 5°C to 25°C. Do not store together with food, drinks, including animal feeds.
Shelf-Life – 2 years from the date of manufacture.
The dissolved drug must be used during 24 hours after preparation .
Mixture of the drug with food must be used during 7 days.